Body Hacks

Improve Your Body & Life

Zungle Panthers Thump All Other Headphone-sunglass Combos
Zungle is Kickstarting their Panther sunglasses, which combine bone conduction sound with simple sunglasses. They’re cool way cooler than other attempts to mash eyewear with tunes. Remember Oakley Thumps? It’s better you don’t. If Axl Rose were to design sunglasses with headphones, he would have designed the Thumps. They... Read more
Fix Your Own Muscles: Normatec Muscle Recovery Wearable 
If you have the means, like $1500 or more, than Normatec has a plausible solution for muscle recovery without seeing a therapist. They’ve created a self-massaging system that you strap on, then hit the power button. There’s no work other than that. You can use it wherever you want.... Read more
Game Over: Doggy Wearables Were Inevitable
It’s not enough that we make wearables for every conceivable activity, even for babies, but now we have wearables for dogs because we do. Garmin, the folks who are more known for their GPS systems but also the Vivosmart HR+, now have a wearable for your canine. It’s actually... Read more
Shima Lenses Will Make You Wish You Needed Glasses
When I was a kid, my parents used to have me read road signs from far away just to marvel at how well I could see. It was a gift. If it makes you feel better, I’ve always had a terrible sense of smell and seem to be going... Read more
Virtual Reality Headsets Will Cure Your Fears
Researchers have been experimenting with virtual environments in an attempt to cure people of their fears. Afraid of speaking in public? Engage in virtual reality speaking engagements over and over, empowering you with techniques to manage your fears. Afraid of Flying? Ride in a virtual plane until it feels... Read more
Charge Wearables on Floating Platform from the Future
For the person who has everything, the Lift charging platform wirelessly charges your Apple Watch or Pebble device suspended in the air by magic. Actually, it’s magnets, but it seems like magic. It seems like your every futurist fantasy come true, except for the part where we travel everywhere... Read more
Watch 2 Kills it But Don’t Ask About Battery
“We think it is the ultimate device for the healthy life.” -Jeff Williams, COO Apple Technically, it’s the Apple Watch Series 2, but nobody will call it that. It’s the Apple Watch 2. It’s not round, but that is so far from relevant it’s laughable that anyone would bring... Read more
Apple’s AirPods Beat the Leaky Press But They’re Sooo Apple
Apple announced a pair of cord-free earbuds for less than $160 which look like someone snipped the wire from the EarPods. They’re calling them AirPods. They did oh-so-much more than cut wires; they introduced a whole new chip. These could be a category killer if Bragi doesn’t dig into... Read more
The Sweetest Wearables For Your Christmas Wish List
It’s not even Halloween yet. I know, but planning ahead for your Christmas wish list is hard work. It also helps to get out in front of the pack. Some people do their shopping early. This way you can be sure to put the worm in their ear about... Read more
Mpower Uses Human Electricity to Make You Stronger
Through every human fiber runs a current of electricity. I know, right? Measuring that current in your muscles is as simple as using skin surface EMG devices. This is what MPower does, telling you exactly how well those muscles are doing their respective jobs. The goal is simple; make... Read more
Bragi Just Cut More From Their Cordless Earbuds
The company that crammed tons of fitness trackers into the most revolutionary cord-free earbuds this year, just dumped all that tech to give us a no-nonsense version. It may be the smartest thing they’ve done, just in time for Apple’s Keynote address, and Christmas. They call it The Headphone.... Read more
Sphero’s Force Band is Secretly a Fitness Band
Sphero, the company that made a toy version of BB8, the cute spherical droid from Star Wars The Force Awakens, just added a wearable accessory to their lineup. Previously the BB8 toy moved via a smartphone app, but now your kids (or you?) can play Star Wars with a... Read more
Finally, Fitbit Goes Swimming
Fitbit finally can jump the pool with you via the Flex 2. In fact, the new tracker from Fitbit not only takes a dive but can recognize when you are in the water. That’s huge news for fans of Fitbit who like to swim. Prior to this news, the only... Read more
Alcatel Vs Qualcomm: 2 New Wireless Smartphone-free VR Headsets
Alcatel and Qualcomm just announced independent efforts to create untethered VR platforms, needing no smartphone. Believe it or not, they are something totally different than what we’ve witnessed so far from VR. Well, maybe not totally, but they are cutting old ties. In case you’re not super nerdy, the IFA... Read more
TomTom is Never Lost: 3 New Fitness Wearables
Announced at IFA 2016 in Berlin, the international electronics trade show, TomTom is coming out with not one, but three new wearables. Yes, TomTom, the company that up until a few years ago, only made GPS consoles for your dashboard. Now they do wearables. One of their new wearables... Read more
All The New SmartWatches Are Round 
This isn’t entirely true. Just this week at IFA (the Berlin electronics trade show like CES), Garmin announced a very squarish smartwatch. There’s been a lot of grumbling aimed at square-faced smartwatches. Likely, this is the backlash against mighty Apple, even Fitbit. Maybe. If the watches coming out of IFA... Read more
Airing Micro-CPAP to Revolutionize Sleep Apnea Treatment
Doing away with the tubes and machinery used in traditional sleep apnea treatment, the Airing Micro-CPAP revolutionizes apnea treatment. It’s small, like, really small. The Micro-CPAP fits on the wearer’s nose, plugging into the nostrils. There are no wires, no tubes, no bedside monitor. The Airing team is currently... Read more
H2O Ninja to Revolutionize Diving? Don’t Hold Your Breath
Snorkeling can change your life. It’s the closest you can get to communing with alien worlds without leaving the planet. All the chaos of your life, the noise pollution, the nagging, the endless contributions to your anxiety, all floats away. Even that extra weight you’ve been wanting to lose?... Read more
StarVR Will Take VR to a Whole New Depth
Remember Friendster or that MySpace thing? Probably not, because Facebook did social media better. It was a category killer. That’s what the duo of Acer and Starbreeze (two tech companies) intend to do with the StarVR virtual reality platform. It won’t matter what’s happening now. It will all be... Read more
STEPP Real Time Running Coach Addresses Everything
Running is simple, but not easy. Runners are determined people. Now they have a wearable to help them make running easier. The STEPP wearable is the coolest running accessory we’ve witness since the Under Armour Speedform Gemini REs. It’s not a wrist-based tracker. It’s three little buttons. The system... Read more