Body Hacks

Improve Your Body & Life

Busy Working Day? Learn How To Relax While You Work
All work leads to no play. If you’re working hard everyday, it can be increasingly difficult to find the time in which to relax. If you lack the time after work to really kick back, it might be worth changing your approach. Following these daily rituals can help you... Read more
The 5 Best Clip-on Bluetooth Speakers for Christmas 2016
There so much talk about wearables, about going completely wireless, we’ve lost site of alternative ways to wear sound. This class of wearables is less about taking your tunes with you, but more about forcing everyone else to listen to what you like. It’s like your own private thumpy-car,... Read more
Want To Get In Shape? The Gym Might Be Your Best Bet
If you’re getting into fitness for the first time, you might feel overwhelmed by the sheer number of options out there. Depending on what you’re hoping to achieve, there are hundreds of types of exercise and if you feel stressed in the hunt to find one that works for... Read more
Dexcom G5 Mobile System Sets Diabetics Free
Using a discrete sensor, a transmitter and a display, the latest device from Dexcom, the G5 wearable, is the most intimate type of wearable you can own. You wear it so close it’s under your skin. Beat that, Fitbit and Apple. The idea of wearables below the skin may... Read more
Wearables Will Allow Your Infant to Finally Babysit Himself
A battle our parents never faced, but now fought in master bedrooms and kitchen every night; how much of a role should technology have in raising the kids? It was only a few years ago the advent of screens everywhere raised the issue of how much is too much?... Read more
Snore Circle’s 3rd Gen Snoring Tool May Help You Stay Married
As of September, the team behind Snore Circle, VVFLY Electronics, funded their third generation device at 615% of their goals. Now they’re in that netherworld between the crowdfunding phase and business as usual, where the devices are shipping to early adopters. We have yet to hear from those early... Read more
Headset Mania: Your Complete Guide to Altered Reality Headsets
Recently, in a Buzzfeed article, Tim Cook dropped hints about the future of Apple’s virtual reality (VR) plans. They didn’t sound like what we expected. Apple doesn’t want to remove us from reality. It sounds like they want to augment our reality. This brings up a... Read more
VyLyV Helps Men Stay… Ahem, Active
The VyLyV, pronounced ví-liv, wearable is a pair of compression shorts loaded with tech that may help men strengthen their pelvic floor. In case you don’t know, the pelvic floor is like a toolbox, filled with many tools. Similar to the benefits of pelvic floor strengthening exercises for women, the... Read more
These 4 Bright Rechargeable Headlamps Will Set You Free
Most places you can find cheap disposable headlamps for around ten dollars. Those are good for your first headlamp, but what you will find is thy don’t last. You can also spend the bank on a headlamp intended to summit Everest. Not necessary. You’re better off buying a mid-priced... Read more
LVL Hydration Tracker May be Silly but it’s Also Sexy
The first of its kind, the LVL (level) tracker intends to keep you more hydrated. It’s a wrist-based tracker with one main goal, track your hydration. It will even remind you when you need to level up on water. As LVL demonstrated, crushing their Kickstarter goals (18x over as of... Read more
Straighten up. Zikto’s Wearable is Watching
Recently demoed at the Wearables Technology Show (CES for wearables), Zikto is a new wellness wearable which will help you maintain good posture, but also manage your activities. If you want to read about more devices for your posture, check out Straight Up: 3 Wearables to Improve Your Posture... Read more
The Future of VR is More Powerful Smartphones for Everybody
Last week, three different portable VR headsets made the news, one of which carried the name Oculus. Not one of those headsets required wiring to a powerful computer because those are dumb. Actually, this is worse: Perhaps we’ve been looking at this thing the wrong way. While computers that double as... Read more
Before You Supplement Try These Techniques
Many supplements are pills. Medication is pills. Confusion was inevitable. When we take supplements, the association is taking something intended to cure us. The psychological ramifications of those actions are beyond the scope of this blog and site. That said, it’s easy to see how we get so confused.... Read more
Wearables Will One Day Replace Musical Instruments
Sometimes you gotta rock. Inspiration could strike anywhere, but dragging around your drum kit or guitar amp is not always convenient. Air guitar is just only so satisfying. If there were only some way we could compose music on the go without the need to carry around all that... Read more
Doctors couldn’t fix her and she nearly died. The diet she chose next changed her life forever.
Prior to her symptoms, Danielle Walker lived an otherwise normal existence. She maintained an active lifestyle, kept a healthy composition, and practices no bad habits. When she started to develop symptoms, the first battle was figuring out what was wrong. If that weren’t enough, the next battle would drag... Read more
Travel Workout Tools You Don’t Have to Pack
Despite the prevalence of workforce that telecommutes, the travel industry is growing. We travel today more than ever. Reason being, nothing will ever replace belly-to-belly sales or a good hug from someone from far away. Not only that but the ability to perform our jobs from anywhere has more people on... Read more
Runners: The 5 Best GPS Wrist Wearables of 2016
Up until recently, the challenge for most fitness trackers has been the exclusion of GPS. Most simply didn’t offer it, not without a paired smartphone. When you run, the last thing you want is additional weight, even the slimmest smartphone. Okay, that’s not really a running set-up… but silly, right? This year, every... Read more
Pet Allergies? These Easy Remedies Will See You Right
Getting a pet for the first time is a rollercoaster of emotions. Bringing a new life into your family can be one of the sweetest pleasures you will experience and before long, you might have seriously bonded to your new critter. What happens, then, if you suffer from allergies?... Read more
5 Essential Oils To Help You Deal With Asthma
Dealing with asthma is no easy task. A respiratory condition, asthma inflames and narrows the airways, making it harder for the sufferer to breathe. While symptoms and their effects might vary from person to person, asthma makes things much harder for those who have and for that reason, people... Read more
The 4 Most Important Aspect Of Good Health
Good health starts from the inside out. Ensuring that you have all areas of your life in check can help you go on to enjoy a better, brighter future. When it comes to the pillars of good health, it’s worth going back to basics. By making sure you have... Read more