Body Hacks

Improve Your Body & Life

4 Bands to Make Your Dumb Watch Smarter
Surprisingly, a few companies have made runs at this solution but failed. Like the start-up Modillian, many conceived ideas that never took flight. The concept is simple, genius, in fact. People love their watches, especially family heirlooms. Some of those same people want smart technology. Not everybody loves fitness wearables.... Read more
25 Celebrities Who Transformed Their Bodies for a Movie Role
It’s not unusual to see actors shed a few pounds for a new role or to go the other way and pick up an extra ten. But this list has some shocking transformations that you won’t believe till you see them. Some actors went from spongecake to hardened steel(I’m... Read more
Dealing With Stress? These Hobbies Can Help
Everyone has their own ways of dealing with stress. While self medicating through junk food and isolation can seem like the best ways of getting over rough patches, following these kinds of activities can only heighten the problem, making you feel worse off in the long run. If you’re... Read more
Guilt-free Travel in 3 Easy Steps
There are fit travelers who do this all the time. They have a plan worked out, something they’ve been doing for years. They don’t see vacations as a time to pull the muzzle on their inner Cujo, but a time to let out his leash a little bit. Note... Read more
4 Deadly Mistakes on the Treadmill
Alright, so maybe deadly was a little click-baity. But, maybe not. Some of these offenses, if not corrected, could put your development into a tailspin. Creating imbalances in your mechanics could compromise your stability. An unstable body can fall into traffic, fall off ledges or break when tripped. No coroner... Read more
Want To Destress? These Apps Will Help You To Meditate
Switching off is something that many of us endeavour to do more of but for the most part, finding the time in which to do it is the biggest struggle of all. There are, however, a great deal of tools at your fingertips; it’s simply about looking in the... Read more
Weight Gain: How To Keep Your Hormones Under Control
Gaining weight? There might be a whole load of reasons why you’re piling on the pounds, and it’s not always to do with your lifestyle. While diet and exercise do play a big part in the shape of your body, your hormones and genes can also come into play,... Read more
Your Posture Might Be Affecting Your Mental Health
How you hold your body can tell the world a great deal about your state of health. The strength of your bones and muscles can have a huge effect on the positioning of your spine and if you’re looking for a way to improve how you carry yourself, then... Read more
Here Are 5 Easy Ways To Keep The Weight Off
You’ve put in the hard work, you’ve stuck to the diet and you’ve lost the weight you wanted to. What comes next, though? While weight loss stories often focus on the process itself, very few look into what to do when you’ve achieved your goal. When it comes to... Read more
How To Prioritize Rest When Your Life Is Filled With Stress
In this day and age, it’s easy to feel like the world is moving at 100 miles an hour. Catching your breath when the rest of the world is on fast forward can seem like an impossible task and before long you might simply give in, get up to... Read more
These 6 Daily Tasks Will Boost Your Mental Power
Daily habits; we’ve all got them and for the most part, we’re all attached to them. How we spend the mundane parts of our day rarely changes and over time, it’s easy to get stuck in a rut. Are you using your time as efficiently as you could be?... Read more
What would you give to kick your bad habits? Smoke, eat mindlessly, pick your nose? Believe it or not, there’s a wearable for that. When we first heard about Pavlok, it screamed BodyHacks in the most shocking way. For $200 dollars, more than most even your high-end fitness trackers,... Read more
Got $20? Buy the Teclast H30 Fitness Wearable
All the other kids have wearables, even though you suspect most of them just wear them to look cool. You wouldn’t if you had one. It’s just a matter of cash flow. Yours seems to only go one direction, out your pockets. If there were only some way you... Read more
Taking It Easy: Why Your Rest Days Are Really Important
Keeping up with your fitness program is one of the best ways of boosting your health. Constantly pushing your body to its limits, however, can result in fatigue and exhaustion if you’re not careful. Taking a rest day is often as good for your health as working out and... Read more
Setting the Record Straight: Six Deadlifts You Should Do
It’s no secret. I love deadlifting like I love chocolate. My dream deadlifting set would be drop-sets, with plates made of chocolate. I would eat the plates between sets as I dropped the weight. That’s possibly the silliest idea I’ve ever had. Back in the real world, we deadlift... Read more
How To Keep Your Body In Prime Shape
Keeping your body in good shape for the future starts right now. The kinds of activities that you carry out in your youth can have a significant effect on the type of health that you can enjoy in later life, so don’t be afraid to start your long term... Read more
Apple’s Watch 2 Rumor Mill Heats Up
The best rumor in wearables right now is we can blame Apple for the slowdown in sales. If there has been a slowdown in the wearables market, somebody should tell the virtual reality folks. Just sayin’. Despite what seems to be an accelerated bad attitude in the media towards... Read more
How To Make The Most Out Of Your First Yoga Class
Yoga. We’ve all heard about its benefits for the body and mind but how many of us have actually tried a class? Getting into yoga might be one of the best things that you do this year, helping you to stay calmer, build your strength and clear your mind.... Read more
Cupping: Real Treatment or Real Silly?
Leave to Michael Phelps to stimulate controversy. Fans will remember the press fanfare around Phelps smoking from a bong in 2008. It should come as no surprise that this year’s Olympics has the press waiting for Phelps to do something newsworthy. They found it. Pictures of Phelps’ back with... Read more
Live Well: The Healing Power Of Almond Oil
Nature is treasure trove for your body and mind. Packed full of healing and restorative foods, the natural world is the first place you should look when you have something you need to get sorted. Is hair, skin and body is your thing? Look no further than almond oil.... Read more