Body Hacks

Improve Your Body & Life

Food Revolution: 4 Reasons To Slow Down When You Eat
We constantly live our lives on the go. With one project after another and one social event piling onto another social event, we might struggle to find the time in which to eat a healthy and balanced meal and more often than not, dinner is taken on the go.... Read more
The Straight Dope on the Foods You Shouldn’t Eat
Poor nutrients. They’re always on the short end of the stick. One decade it’s the fat, the next it’s the carbs, then it’s the sugar. Us humans seem to bounce from calories to nutrients, then back again, stopping long enough to blame sitting for all of our weight gains.... Read more
Boost Your Brain Power By Eating These Foods
Making the most out of your mind power is a sure fire way in which to be more productive, realize your goals and make a success out of your life. From time to time, though, you might not feel like your best self and when your energy levels are... Read more
These Eating Habits Will Curb Your Productivity
Getting more out of your day is all about boosting your productive power and while your concentration lies in the brain, the things you put in your body could have a greater effect on it than you initially thought. Certain eating habits are naturally conducive to energy loss, a... Read more
Legumes: Eat Your Way To Better Health
Legumes: Nature’s miracle makers, the tasty pulses can have huge benefits on our general state of health and yet, very few of us choose to make them a part of our diet. Eating more of things like lentils, kidney beans and black-eyed peas can help to boost a number... Read more
Become a Better Cook with These Three Tips
One of the best skills a person can possess in life is to become well adept at cooking. While it is a great skill, it isn’t always easy to do and can take a lot of time. Here are three awesome tips to become better at cooking. 1. Take... Read more
4 Foolproof Rules to Quit Mindless Eating
Thankfully, our minds are wired to run mostly on autopilot via our habits. Otherwise, we would constantly need to figure out electric toothbrushes, faucets, operating vehicles, getting dressed… life’s mundane moments. As our talents can also be our faults, like the super organized business leader who goes home and... Read more
Supplements Are Not Helping You
I am uniquely qualified on this subject. As a personal trainer, working for Big Fitness, I was the king of supplement sales. Nobody beat me in this category. Despite how it sounds, it’s not something for which I’m proud. That trophy goes in the “I was young and needed... Read more
Protein Packed Breakfasts For A Leaner Day
Breakfast is the most important day and therefore, it’s on us to do the best we can to whip up a meal that really counts. Getting your fill of nutrients first thing in the morning can make a remarkable difference to the way that you carry out your day... Read more
10 Surefire Weight Gainers for a Slim Budget
Not everybody is trying to lose weight. In fact, in many ways trying to gain weight is an even harder battle to win. Not only is sympathy for weight gain woes very thin, the product line-up is even thinner. Oh sure, you can find weight gainers stacked in larger... Read more
4 People Who Lost Weight Eating Garbage
Let’s face it, a calorie is not always a calorie. Sometimes they’re unicorns. For the uninitiated, the term calorie is a metric for energy. The calorie conversation is a little complicated by what we read online. There’s this pesky law of science, called the law of thermodynamics. There are actually... Read more
How To Pick A Diet To Work For You
Getting in shape seems like an easy thing to do. After you’ve started an exercise regime, thrown away all of your junk food and transitioned into a healthier eating plan, shedding the pounds is something that should naturally follow suit. Sometimes, however, things can go awry and actually finding... Read more
In Hot Water: Drink Your Way To Better Health
We all know that drinking water is a great way of boosting our health and staying energized but it turns out, there could be more to the drink than we ever imagined. Simply by increasing the temperature of the water that we’re drinking, we can tap into a whole... Read more
Eat Like A Champion: Breakfast Recipes You Need To Know
Getting the most out of your day is all about the kind of breakfast that you have and while you might choose to skip the meal entirely, or grab a quick snack on your way out, there’s good reason why you should give your breakfast a little extra thought.... Read more
How To Lose Weight Without Feeling Hungry
If you’re trying to get on a health kick, then the chances are that you have thrown your unhealthy eating habits to the curb and picked up alternative foods as part of your lifestyle. When you start following a restrictive diet, however, you can often up end feeling hungrier... Read more
The Problem With Cheat Meals
Cheating your way to success sounds like the best way to get there, especially if nobody gets hurt. Nobody, that is, if you don’t count yourself. In fairness, lest you think me not a fan, I’m totally a cheater. I do it all the time, which makes me super-qualified... Read more
Does Low Carb Lead To Better Health?
If you’re trying to get into shape, you might focus on your exercise and fitness regime above all else but it turns out, what you eat might be the most important thing. Getting a balanced and healthy diet can significantly impact on the state of your health and help... Read more
Boost Your Body With A High Fiber Diet
We’re always told that getting more fiber in our diets is a good idea and while many of us do follow the advice of the experts, we might not realize why we’re doing so. Fiber is an essential part of a balanced diet and getting sufficient quantities of the... Read more
3 Simple Rules to Organize Meals For a Leaner Body
Fine, we won’t talk about calories… much. Let’s assume you’ve figured your perfect calorie intake for your goals. Not only that, but you have a perfect relationship with your food, knowing exactly how much you can eat of any one thing to stay within your ranges. Great. I would... Read more
What’s So Wrong With Eating at Night?
Nothing, if you don’t mind turning into a Gremlin. Alright, if you weren’t raised watching The Gremlins during the holidays, you won’t get that one. I’ll spare you the explanation, but you owe yourself some quality Gremlins time before next December. It’s that important. If you believe that something... Read more