Body Hacks

Improve Your Body & Life

Travel Workout Tools You Don’t Have to Pack
Despite the prevalence of workforce that telecommutes, the travel industry is growing. We travel today more than ever. Reason being, nothing will ever replace belly-to-belly sales or a good hug from someone from far away. Not only that but the ability to perform our jobs from anywhere has more people on... Read more
Runners: The 5 Best GPS Wrist Wearables of 2016
Up until recently, the challenge for most fitness trackers has been the exclusion of GPS. Most simply didn’t offer it, not without a paired smartphone. When you run, the last thing you want is additional weight, even the slimmest smartphone. Okay, that’s not really a running set-up… but silly, right? This year, every... Read more
Pet Allergies? These Easy Remedies Will See You Right
Getting a pet for the first time is a rollercoaster of emotions. Bringing a new life into your family can be one of the sweetest pleasures you will experience and before long, you might have seriously bonded to your new critter. What happens, then, if you suffer from allergies?... Read more
5 Essential Oils To Help You Deal With Asthma
Dealing with asthma is no easy task. A respiratory condition, asthma inflames and narrows the airways, making it harder for the sufferer to breathe. While symptoms and their effects might vary from person to person, asthma makes things much harder for those who have and for that reason, people... Read more
The 4 Most Important Aspect Of Good Health
Good health starts from the inside out. Ensuring that you have all areas of your life in check can help you go on to enjoy a better, brighter future. When it comes to the pillars of good health, it’s worth going back to basics. By making sure you have... Read more
Dealing With Dark Circles? Here’s What To Do
Been feeling more tired than usual lately? It might be showing up on your face. Dark circles are one of the worst side effects of sleep deprivation and if you fail to get enough shut eye, they can only get worse. What do you do, then, if you simply... Read more
5 Morning Habits You Need To Shed The Pounds
Kicking your weight down a pound or two can seem like a mammoth task but all it takes is a little adjustment. By tweaking your morning routine, you can fit in a great deal more during your day, helping you to make the most of every moment. Add these... Read more
11 Kid Where-ables all About Your Peace of Mind
The debate for parents, is how much does one depend on technology for a growing child? The growing number of technologies for kids brings this question to Mom and Dad’s table every day. There exist as many helpful technologies as there exist articles on why one shouldn’t use them.... Read more
Get a Workout Partner; Get Results
Confession up front; I am not a person who likes to have a workout buddy. I’ll workout with someone else for time to time, but find that my sessions are more efficient, more focused when I’m solo. That’s me. I am an oddity. Most folks do not relate to... Read more
Want Better Hair And Skin? Use Essential Oils
Essential oils are responsible for a lot of good. When used in the right quantities, they can boost your health and improve your feelings of wellness. There’s more to the oils, too, and by selecting the right combinations, you can give your hair and skin a healthy, glossy glow.... Read more
The 5 Hottest Action Cams Under $200
Once upon a time there was the GoPro, then the market exploded. Today’s action cam market is overflowing with contenders. Action cams today offer so much more than yesterday’s cams. I was never able to strap my VHS camcorder to the front of my surfboard, despite all the duct tape... Read more
Thim Sleep Wearable Actually Helps You Fall Sleep (Better)
The Thim sleep wearable won’t just report all the things you did wrong sleeping last night. After they crush their Kickstarter goals, the Thim team promises a device to help you actually get more out of your sleep. The sleep tracking feature bolted onto every wearable is worthy of... Read more
5 Metabolism Boosting Habits You Need To Know
Your metabolism is one of the most important functions in your body. Responsible for the conversion of food into energy, you metabolic system determines how quickly the calories you take in are converted into fuel. The more efficient your metabolism, then, the more rapidly that you will burn through... Read more
Hiring a Personal Trainer: Head Fake Behaviors
Let’s assume you understand you cannot teach yourself to lift like you taught yourself to play guitar. You understand you’re gonna need more than YouTube to understand the intricacies of proper technique. Please, don’t call it form. You need a trainer. The first thing you should do, if you... Read more
Face Off: Rear Squat vs Front Squat
Here’s a fun thing. At a social event where there is more than one gym rat, toss out a statement like this, “The back squat is clearly the best way to squat because that’s the one everybody learns first.” Then, take cover. Things ’bout to get cray up in... Read more
Has the Tzoa Air Pollutant Wearable gone MIA?
Pollutants litter the air. You know it. It’s why you slather your hands in antibacterial goo fifty times a day. (We won’t mention how you tap the wall twice then flick the light switch five times.) The team behind Tzoa, the promising air pollutant measuring wearable, shares your concerns. So,... Read more
4 Natural Options to Keep Your Digestion Moving
Humans cannot live on cheese. It would be nice, but if you just enjoyed a weekend of cheesy goodness, but aren’t normally a cheese eater, you may have a problem. In fact, it may not be because of cheese, you may just have trouble pushing your food through the,... Read more
Sleep In: Why Your Weekends Should Be About Rest
Weekends are all about resting. Your two days off are your time to kick back, relax and unwind after a long week’s work. Putting in the hours every day during the working week is an important part of your routine but when it comes to sleeping, you should be... Read more
MSI’s VR One Straps Roving Power on Your Back
You don’t have to stay put. From a company that specializes in backpacks for gamer gear, MSI offers us something new. They call it VR One. Forget about tethering your Oculus Rift or HTC Vive to your powerful PC. Strap that PC on your back so you can wander the... Read more
5 Dental Apps You Can Really Smile About
How bright is your smile? Taking care of your teeth and mouth is one of the most important parts of your hygiene routine and something that can stand you in good stead into the future. When you’re living a busy life, however, you might overlook certain parts of your... Read more