Body Hacks

Improve Your Body & Life

Face Off: Rear Squat vs Front Squat
Here’s a fun thing. At a social event where there is more than one gym rat, toss out a statement like this, “The back squat is clearly the best way to squat because that’s the one everybody learns first.” Then, take cover. Things ’bout to get cray up in... Read more
Has the Tzoa Air Pollutant Wearable gone MIA?
Pollutants litter the air. You know it. It’s why you slather your hands in antibacterial goo fifty times a day. (We won’t mention how you tap the wall twice then flick the light switch five times.) The team behind Tzoa, the promising air pollutant measuring wearable, shares your concerns. So,... Read more
4 Natural Options to Keep Your Digestion Moving
Humans cannot live on cheese. It would be nice, but if you just enjoyed a weekend of cheesy goodness, but aren’t normally a cheese eater, you may have a problem. In fact, it may not be because of cheese, you may just have trouble pushing your food through the,... Read more
Sleep In: Why Your Weekends Should Be About Rest
Weekends are all about resting. Your two days off are your time to kick back, relax and unwind after a long week’s work. Putting in the hours every day during the working week is an important part of your routine but when it comes to sleeping, you should be... Read more
MSI’s VR One Straps Roving Power on Your Back
You don’t have to stay put. From a company that specializes in backpacks for gamer gear, MSI offers us something new. They call it VR One. Forget about tethering your Oculus Rift or HTC Vive to your powerful PC. Strap that PC on your back so you can wander the... Read more
5 Dental Apps You Can Really Smile About
How bright is your smile? Taking care of your teeth and mouth is one of the most important parts of your hygiene routine and something that can stand you in good stead into the future. When you’re living a busy life, however, you might overlook certain parts of your... Read more
Ōura: The World’s First Worthwhile Wearable Ring
Winner of the CES 2016 innovation awards for the best of category, Ōura is a simple wearable ring. It measures your heart rate, breathing rate and sleep, just by sitting on your finger. It also knows about your activities, like how many steps you’ve taken or how far you’ve... Read more
Must Have: Mover Kit Kid’s Wearable Ships for Christmas
A company that goes by the name Technology Will Save Us launched a Kickstarter campaign for a children’s wearable earlier this year, which funded in two days. In fact, they crushed their goals by 250%. If you have kids or know someone who has kids, you have to share... Read more
Moment: The Hottest Thing in Wearables Has no Face
Moment, a haptic feedback wrist-worn wearable, wants you to spend less time with your devices, more time with your feelings… kinda like the Apple Watch, but without all that pesky display technology. The Moment wearable crams an advanced form of notification wearable technology. It’s reminiscent of what we’ve seen in some... Read more
These 5 Bad Habits Could Be Causing Your Headaches
Most headaches come and go but when you’re dealing with them on a regular basis, they can quickly become a pain in the neck. While daily stresses and anxieties can lead to the odd headache or two, there are other habits that can make you feel a whole lot... Read more
Zungle Panthers Thump All Other Headphone-sunglass Combos
Zungle is Kickstarting their Panther sunglasses, which combine bone conduction sound with simple sunglasses. They’re cool way cooler than other attempts to mash eyewear with tunes. Remember Oakley Thumps? It’s better you don’t. If Axl Rose were to design sunglasses with headphones, he would have designed the Thumps. They... Read more
Hormonal Imbalance: How To Spot It And What To Do
Your body is constantly changing and often, it goes about its business unnoticed, transforming itself while you go about your daily life. While most bodily changes are for the good, there are some that come about for other reasons and could be a sign that something is wrong. Hormonal... Read more
Game Over: Doggy Wearables Were Inevitable
It’s not enough that we make wearables for every conceivable activity, even for babies, but now we have wearables for dogs because we do. Garmin, the folks who are more known for their GPS systems but also the Vivosmart HR+, now have a wearable for your canine. It’s actually... Read more
Shima Lenses Will Make You Wish You Needed Glasses
When I was a kid, my parents used to have me read road signs from far away just to marvel at how well I could see. It was a gift. If it makes you feel better, I’ve always had a terrible sense of smell and seem to be going... Read more
Live A Longer Life In 5 Simple Steps
We all want to live the healthiest, most fulfilled life possible. The kinds of choices that we make can have a significant impact on the longevity of our lives, and it pays to get things right while we can still make a difference. Health is about so much more... Read more
Slow Fitness: The Benefits Of Tai Chi
Fitness isn’t all about moving at 100 miles an hour. Sometimes, it is the slower activities that can do us the most good, working our bodies and minds at the same time. Take Tai Chi for example. While you might not associate the sport with a hefty workout, it... Read more
Virtual Reality Headsets Will Cure Your Fears
Researchers have been experimenting with virtual environments in an attempt to cure people of their fears. Afraid of speaking in public? Engage in virtual reality speaking engagements over and over, empowering you with techniques to manage your fears. Afraid of Flying? Ride in a virtual plane until it feels... Read more
At Risk Of Prediabetes? Here’s How To Beat It
What is prediabetes? While millions of people around the world suffer from the disease, there are even more who are teetering over the edge, at risk of developing the condition but still on the other side of the fence. If your body has prediabetic tendencies and is in the... Read more
Watch 2 Kills it But Don’t Ask About Battery
“We think it is the ultimate device for the healthy life.” -Jeff Williams, COO Apple Technically, it’s the Apple Watch Series 2, but nobody will call it that. It’s the Apple Watch 2. It’s not round, but that is so far from relevant it’s laughable that anyone would bring... Read more
Apple’s AirPods Beat the Leaky Press But They’re Sooo Apple
Apple announced a pair of cord-free earbuds for less than $160 which look like someone snipped the wire from the EarPods. They’re calling them AirPods. They did oh-so-much more than cut wires; they introduced a whole new chip. These could be a category killer if Bragi doesn’t dig into... Read more