Up until recently, the challenge for most fitness trackers has been the exclusion of GPS. Most simply didn’t offer it, not without a paired smartphone. When you run, the last thing you want is additional weight, even the slimmest smartphone. Okay, that’s not really a running set-up… but silly, right? This year, every... Read more
Born from a successful crowdsourcing campaign, the Amazon smartwatch is a solid contender in the smartwatch category. It’s no Apple Watch Series 2, not GPS enabled nor waterproof, but it does offer some other goodies like Alexa, long battery life, and a true round-faced design. For folks on a... Read more
Leveraging a savvy algorithm, lenses, and science the Elsewhere wearable attaches to your smartphone, turning the world into your personal augmented reality playground. Okay, not quite that. While we can’t speak to personal experience, we’ve read enough early reviews to know this is no vaporware. Elsewhere does what it... Read more
Not to be confused with the Garmin Doggy Wearable we just covered, the Link AKC does something a little different. Garmin’s wearable trains your pooch. The Link AKC tracks where he goes, how active he is when he goes there, but also how warm or cold he is. We... Read more
First, they made a wearable for your fur baby, now they want to outfit your real baby. Garmin’s Vivofit Jr is a pint-sized version of the Vivofit 3, decked out in funky colors, sturdy enough for your rambunctious ones. Re: That fur-baby comment. If you didn’t read about Garmin’s... Read more
It would be enough that DJI’s Mavic drone packs into a pocket-sized device, but also records 4K video when flown. That’s impressive. DJI went one step further, coupling the drone with a first person POV headset so you see the flight path in front of you as if you were... Read more
SuperSuit, Inc., the makers of the new gaming platform called SuperSuit, would have you believe this is the true virtual reality. By strapping on an apparatus, one piece around your chest, the other on your wrists, you become Ironman. Well, not really, but you could imagine so. The Suit... Read more
“Just for Snapchat,” brands the Spectacles sneak peak site. In a recent move, Snapchat changed its name (sorta) and brand, then announced a new wearable with few details on where and when. It scans as risky investment mixed with genius marketing. They have no product on the ground yet,... Read more
No doubt, we’re fans of the Apple Watch Series 2. We’re fans of nearly anything wearable tech related, especially if it’s fitness tech. It’s what we do. That said, the Apple Watch Series 2 is a force to be reckoned with, but it’s not perfect in every way for... Read more
Nixon, no stranger to watches, just dropped their new rugged smartwatch aimed at snowboarders and surfers. It’s a rugged beast, loaded with goodies for board sports enthusiasts. Is it the right fit, though? It’s no longer news that the new Apple Watch 2 packs GPS into a waterproof design. That... Read more
The debate for parents, is how much does one depend on technology for a growing child? The growing number of technologies for kids brings this question to Mom and Dad’s table every day. There exist as many helpful technologies as there exist articles on why one shouldn’t use them.... Read more
Nike Self-lacing Shoes Because Awesome
Tech January 8, 2025
Nike did it last October as a commemorative shoe, celebrating Oct. 21, 2015, the date Marty McFly traveled to in the movie Back to The Future. The first pair went to Michael J Fox, the guy who played McFly. They looked and worked just like the ones from the... Read more
Once upon a time there was the GoPro, then the market exploded. Today’s action cam market is overflowing with contenders. Action cams today offer so much more than yesterday’s cams. I was never able to strap my VHS camcorder to the front of my surfboard, despite all the duct tape... Read more
Published Tuesday, in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), research of 471 participants over two years reveals that wearing a fitness tracker does not guarantee better results. In fact, wearing one may hinder your results. The study conducted via the University of Pittsburgh took nearly 500 participants... Read more
The Thim sleep wearable won’t just report all the things you did wrong sleeping last night. After they crush their Kickstarter goals, the Thim team promises a device to help you actually get more out of your sleep. The sleep tracking feature bolted onto every wearable is worthy of... Read more
Pollutants litter the air. You know it. It’s why you slather your hands in antibacterial goo fifty times a day. (We won’t mention how you tap the wall twice then flick the light switch five times.) The team behind Tzoa, the promising air pollutant measuring wearable, shares your concerns. So,... Read more
Swimsense, by Finis, is their upgraded swimming wearable. The new tracker is an upgrade on their previous, less aerodynamic device. While it is waterproof, specifically designed for swimmers, it may not be enough to stay competitive. To read about fitness trackers just for swimming, check out 9 Legit Fitness... Read more
You don’t have to stay put. From a company that specializes in backpacks for gamer gear, MSI offers us something new. They call it VR One. Forget about tethering your Oculus Rift or HTC Vive to your powerful PC. Strap that PC on your back so you can wander the... Read more
Winner of the CES 2016 innovation awards for the best of category, Ōura is a simple wearable ring. It measures your heart rate, breathing rate and sleep, just by sitting on your finger. It also knows about your activities, like how many steps you’ve taken or how far you’ve... Read more
A company that goes by the name Technology Will Save Us launched a Kickstarter campaign for a children’s wearable earlier this year, which funded in two days. In fact, they crushed their goals by 250%. If you have kids or know someone who has kids, you have to share... Read more