Body Hacks

Improve Your Body & Life

Beauty Products And Their Expirations
All good things come to an end, and that includes our favorite beauty products. In order for our products to do their job properly, there’s a timeline that they must be used before they don’t work as well as they should. Just like the foods in our fridge, the... Read more
How to Clean And Disinfect Your Makeup Tools
Cleaning your makeup tools is more important than you may think. If you’re experiencing skin problems and can’t figure out why, consider making the switch to cleaning your tools more often. A lot of common skin problems can be caused by the bacteria found in dirty makeup tools. Aside from... Read more
3 Home Remedies to Soothe a Sunburn
If you’ve ever had a sunburn, you know how painful they can be! As much as we try to avoid getting too much sun, and as much sunscreen as we apply, sometimes sunburns are inevitable. If you do end up with one of those dreaded sunburns, look to your... Read more
Overeating? Here’s Why It’s Not Your Fault
When it comes to our general health, overeating is one of the most common ways that we can pile on the pounds without noticing and yet often, we might not even realize what it is that we’re doing. Eating too much is more common than you might have thought... Read more
You Need to Know These Three Body Language Hacks
When it comes to face to face conversation, we all know that the words that come out of our mouth are only half of the conversation going on. Our body language as in how we stand, move and carry ourselves, is also very important. In fact, your body language... Read more
Three Great Beard Tips
It seems that during the last couple of years, more and more men have been proudly producing beards on their faces. Whether it is just some stubble, a regular beard or full on mountain men, guys who can grow one love to do so nowadays. With so many people... Read more
How To Maintain Your Weight Loss
Weight loss is a time consuming thing. Achieved through healthy eating, sufficient exercise and the occasional detox, losing weight is something that many of us dedicate significant periods of time towards and once we meet our dream number, there might not be any better feeling. The trouble is, however,... Read more
5 Natural Ways To Whiten Your Teeth
Want a whiter smile? There could be a natural alternative to those treatments that you’ve been weighing up. While teeth whitening sessions do indeed do just the trick, they achieve their results by piling harmful chemicals onto your teeth, stripping away the natural enamel as they get to work.... Read more
5 Super Summer Running Tips
With summer and the great weather right around the corner, people will soon be leaving the treadmills at home and at the gym behind and heading outside for their daily runs. If you are one of these people, there are lots of things you should consider before heading out.... Read more
Here Are Three Reasons To Stop Sitting So Much
In today’s day and age where a large majority of the population sits for hours and hours out of the day at office jobs, it is important we get up and move around often. Of course, sitting for the most part is fine, but if you do it for... Read more
5 Tips to Achieve Long And Healthy Hair
Achieving healthy hair is a feat on it’s own, but obtaining healthy LONG hair brings about a whole other level of gratification. Here are 5 tips to achieve long and healthy hair naturally. While it may seem strange to get more frequent hair cuts when the goal is to... Read more
Quit the Gym: Confessions of a Former Gym Manager Part 2
After over ten years in Big Fitness, I walked with many secrets I intend to share. This one, I believe, is going to shock you. If you aren’t using the gym membership you pay for, unless it’s for a temporary injury then quit. Try not to think of it... Read more
Three Great Ways To Deter Dementia
One of the absolute scariest things about getting older is the fact that our brain will slow down over time and a select few of us will suffer from Dementia, a group of disorders that severely affects brain function and memory. With no known cure or root cause, it... Read more
How To Lose Weight Without Working Out
While getting into good shape is all about leading a healthy and balanced lifestyle, not all of us have the time to dedicate to prolonged workout sessions and when work piles up, it is often our exercise regimes that fall by the wayside. If you want to lose weight,... Read more
Face Yoga For Facelift-Level Results
Face yoga… yup, it’s a real thing. Not only is it a real thing, but it has also been said to exhibit the same effects as a face lift! Face yoga works to stimulate all of the layers of your skin allowing for proper circulation, and oxygen flow throughout your... Read more
5 Honey Based Face Masks For Healthier Skin
Honey is one of natures superfoods for both health and beauty purposes. The best part about it is that you can pick it up at your local grocery store for just a few dollars making it easily accessible to everyone! A few major benefits of consuming/applying honey is that... Read more
The Workout Apps For Better Weight Loss
Losing weight is all about meeting smaller goals along the way and if you’re anything like most people, then checking in to see just how far you’ve come might just the best part about the whole process. Watching the numbers go down on the scales can be a great... Read more
Three Tips to Overcome Ruts in Adult Life
It seems as if every adult seems to go through a rut or mid-life crisis at some point in their life. Sometimes these can come and go on their own, but other times, they can linger and you have to proactively get out of this rut. Here are three... Read more
The Health Benefits Of Cardio Fitness
Getting into shape is all about balancing your routine with the right kinds of exercises and while we might start out with the best of intentions, it’s easy to get stuck in a workout rut. While there is tons of information out there about how and why we should... Read more
Three Simple Things You Can Do To Help  Your Sight
Of all of the senses out there, our eyesight is perhaps the one people cherish most. And with us straining and using our eyes more than ever to look at computer screens, phones and TVs, they are being fatigued more than ever. But we don’t have to simply sit... Read more