The End of Pricks; A Color-Changing Tattoo Could Help Diabetics
LifestyleNewsSkin & Hair October 21, 2023
In recent news, a team of researchers has developed a kind of tattoo which interacts with the tatted one’s body chemistry to measure blood-sugar levels. It may change everything for diabetics. The life a diabetic isn’t easy, although even close friends may not be aware of hassles diabetics suffer.... Read more
When Rob Spence lost his right eye in a gun accident as a kid, it was the worst thing that ever happened in his life up until that moment. Then the loss opened up an opportunity for Spence. Removing the dead eye gave him the chance to slap an... Read more
Transhumanists Understand What Investors Do Not; Pioneering Is Messy
News October 20, 2023
A recent paper released examines the precision of the CRISPR-Cas9 process, revealing that fans may have a reason to feel concern. As it turns out, the proposed savior-bacteria of all our dreams may still need some work. For researchers, this sort of news is status quo. For the... Read more
While researchers around the globe work feverishly to hack the human body by any means necessary, a team in Newcastle, have come up with a simple solution to an old problem: how could we connect prosthetics to our brains when the brain is so complex? Forget it. Give the... Read more
STOCKHOLM, Sweden – A first as far as we know, this is a first. There’s a company in Sweden implanting their employees with microchips. The employees getting the chips do it of their own volition. It’s like some kind of syndrome of imprisonment where you come to love your... Read more
Remember way back at the beginning of April when Body Hacks claimed the search for the fountain of youth would drive transhumanism more than anything else? Well, it turns out we were right about the future again. Now we have a pill that’s shaving old age off of lab... Read more
Rich Lee Is The First Victim Of Anti-transhumanism
News October 15, 2023
Rich Lee, a pioneer in biohacking, is suffering the worst fate a parent can take. His ex-wife has separated him from his two kids. They’re fine, but his ex is over Lee’s transhumanist exploits. She submitted a legal request to cut him out, based on his experiments with biohacking.... Read more
This story went online so close to April 1st, most people thought it was a hoax. After a year of tinkering, a British man by the name of Richard Browning crafted the beginnings of a Daedalus flying suit. History check: Daedalus was the Greek craftsman who made wax and... Read more
A San Diego-based startup called Samumed believe they can treat many aspects of aging without surgery, and they aren’t alone. To date, investors have contributed $300-million in funding to the fledgling company. If they’re able to deliver, both the owners of Samumed and their investors will make more money... Read more
Hacking Humanity’s Cells
News October 14, 2023
In case you’ve been too busy, catching up on Game of Thrones episodes in anticipation of the scintillating final season… there’s been some groundbreaking news about hacking human cells. While some researchers have been busy hacking genomes and neurons, others have been keeping the larger world of cells. Who... Read more
Neuralink; Elon Musk Pushes Forward With His Transhumanist Agenda
News October 13, 2023
Elon Musk is making good on his professed goal to merge humanity with machines. His goal is to get us there before artificial intelligence outpaces humanity. On Monday, he announced the launch of Neurolink, a venture aimed at merging our brains with technology. Don’t forget, Elon Musk is the... Read more
Now We Have Solar-powered Skin For Prosthetic Limbs & Stuff
News October 13, 2023
If it weren’t enough that our friend Elon Musk gave us terra-cotta style solar panel roof tiles, we now have the human body equivalent. Engineers have created a skin for prosthetics that can turn sunlight into energy. The possibilities, like all nascent technology, seem endless at this point, but... Read more
When Polina Anikeeva, at MIT, tested her new device on the brains of mice, the result was exactly what researchers expected. They stimulated the part of the neurons to control the speed of the mice so the mice took off running. The test success was a result of a nascent... Read more
It took Professor Stelarc 20 years to find someone who would surgically implant an ear on his body. In 2007, he made his idea a reality, attaching a cell-cultivated ear to his left forearm. He’s worked in academia, he’s worked in performance art, but it’s the crossover point that... Read more
RNA Drug Research Points Toward Future Biohacking Opportunities
News October 11, 2023
Cameron Harding was only a newborn when he stopped moving, but he wasn’t dead. He was awake, but couldn’t or didn’t move his limbs. The doctor’s advised his mother that he had spinal muscular atrophy, a death sentence for babies. Most don’t last past two years. Cameron’s symptoms indicated... Read more
Did Liz Parrish Actually Slow Her Body’s Aging Process?
News October 11, 2023
Your telomeres are shrinking. Those are the protective caps on the ends of your chromosomes in case you were wondering. There’s nothing you can about it, not yet anyway. Don’t fret. This is what happens to everybody as we age. Liz Parrish, the CEO of BioViva, a Washington-based biotech... Read more
Kevin Warwick; Hacking The Human Body Since Before You Were Born
News October 10, 2023
On March 14th, 2002, Kevin Warwick lay in the Radcliffe Infirmary in Oxford, England. He’d already implanted a RFID chip in 1998, but he was going to implant a more complex neural interface. This one would do more than inform a veterinarian who was his owner. When it worked,... Read more
The FDA & EPA; Bullies Of Biohacking?
News October 10, 2023
Most biohackers currently operate outside the sphere of control issued by the FDA and the EPA. As they attempt to enter the commercial market, biohackers find these two regulatory bodies difficult hurdles to overcome. According to one biohacker, Josiah Zayner, one can sum up the general message from the... Read more
While amateur grinders play with magnets below the skin other biohacking 101 parlor tricks, larger stones of hacking the human experience are at work in white collar jobs. DARPA recently admitted to pairing human researchers with a smart machine to solve cancer treatment challenges, but there may be another... Read more
In a recent article featured in Wired, Arati Prabhakar, director of the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) enlightened readers to the reality of human-machine melding already happening. This is reminiscent of the recent theory that domestic dogs evolved not from wolves, but something preceding both of them.... Read more