Body Hacks

Improve Your Body & Life

You Need To Try These Healthy Alternatives To Avocado Toast
Avocado toast is downright delicious, there’s no point denying it. Rich, creamy and simple as you like, the tasty snack can be whipped up in 5 minutes flat and topped with whatever kind of flavorings that take your fancy. Can you get better than that? Probably not, but we’re... Read more
Managing Arthritis with Diet
Arthritis is a term used to describe joint pain, but the term actually covers over 200 conditions that affect joints, the surrounding tissues, and connective tissues. Although minor at first the arthritic inflammation of your joints, can cause significant pain and stiffness which may get worse over time. However,... Read more
Here Are 3 Signs You’re Not Getting Enough Vitamins
If your life runs at 100 miles an hour, it’s easy to let your health get away from you. Battling long hours, busy projects and intense meetings can mean that when you get home, convenience is the first port of call. And while convenience food has been created in... Read more
In Pain? You Need To Eat More Of These Foods
Got a pain in the neck? There’s a cure for that and it doesn’t involve pumping your body full of chemicals. For so long, food has been used as a way of curing bodily ailments but with the rise of pharmaceutical medication, so many of the natural cures that... Read more
How To Stop Your Junk Food Cravings In Their Tracks
Are you a late night snacker or a mid morning eater? Whatever your time of day, snacking is often something that you might fall victim to and if you’re trying to improve your health, it seems like the first logical thing to go. While you might start off with... Read more
Eating For One: How To Stay Healthy When You Live Alone
Cooking for one is a tricky thing to get right. With so many recipes resulting in four or more servings of food, trying out your favorite new dishes can seem like a bit of an uphill battle when you’re the only one who’s eating. You can change the way... Read more
5 Summer Salads You Can Make In 20 Minutes
Staying healthy can fit into your hectic schedule. With so many quick and easy recipes out there, making the most of the natural ingredients you have to hand has never been easier and now that salad season is well and truly upon us, the whole thing has just got... Read more
4 Signs You’re Hooked On Sugar (And It Might Be Time To Stop)
Sugar. It plays a part in some of the tastiest foods on the planet and yet, eating too much of it can be incredibly bad for your health. The addictive quality of the food means that your body might crave the stuff when it has no real need to... Read more
These Food Combinations Can Help You Shed The Pounds Quicker
Want to lose more weight? It could be all about the kinds of foods that you combine. It turns out, as well as diet playing a major part in the size of your waistline, so too could the kinds of ingredients you use together and if you really want... Read more
The Tastiest Quinoa Salads For A Gluten Free Meal
While gluten free meals used to be resigned to those with food intolerances, increasing numbers of people are turning to the kinds of ingredients offered in the diet as a way of boosting their health and feeling better after eating. Although following a completely gluten free diet should only... Read more
Flash In The Pan: Healthy Recipes For The Busy Cook
Hosting a party is an impressive juggling act. With one eye on the kitchen and one eye on your guests, you have to effectively manage a stove full of boiling dishes, serve up the drinks, make sure everyone is being entertained and keep a relaxed, cool exterior to stop... Read more
Better Bones: 6 Ways To Eat More Calcium
Keep breaking bones? There’s a mineral for that. Your stores of calcium are higher than any other mineral in the body and making sure you get your daily share can help to protect your bones and teeth from breakages and damage throughout your life. And while you might be... Read more
3 Ways Your Lifestyle Might Be Building Up Your Fat
Fat. It’s the one thing that’s stopping you from having the body of your dreams and if you’re trying to get on the healthy train, then you might be focused on how you can eliminate the issue from your life. When eating right and exercising enough fails to keep... Read more
Can COPD be Managed with Diet?
COPD is a term used to describe a group of lung diseases that block airflow and impact an individual’s ability to breathe. However, through a few key changes, you can improve your quality of life even with a COPD diagnosis. You may find it odd, but the food you... Read more
Balanced Barbecues: 6 Healthy Meals You Can Stick On The Grill
Now that summer is well and truly under way, it’s time to turn up the heat and get out the grill. Having a summer shindig is a great way to make the most out of the warmer weather and once you fire up the barbecue, there’s no stopping what... Read more
4 Reasons Your Healthy Eating Plans Aren’t Working
You might be eating all the right foods and exercising like you really mean it but somehow, the weight just refuses to shift. Starting out a diet with the best of intentions is all well and good but when you stop seeing instantaneous results, it can be easy to... Read more
5 Ways You Can Take Care Of Your Teeth (Before It’s Too Late)
When was the last time that you went to the dentist? Let’s be honest here, no-one enjoys making an appointment to have their teeth prodded and poked about and if you’re like many people, you might put off the inevitable for a very long time indeed. It’s time to... Read more
5 Ways To Stick To Your Healthy Eating Plan
Making a healthy eating pledge is a little like announcing a New Year’s resolution. You start out with all of the best intentions, sure that you will stick to your goals but over time, your enthusiasm might begin to wane and eventually, you can call off the whole thing... Read more
These 4 Foods Can Combat Your PMS
Dealing with hormonal changes is not fun and yet, it is something that half of the population might be dealing with at any time during each month. PMS can hit you out of nowhere and as well as feeling tired, groggy and down in the dumps, you can also... Read more
Meatless Meals: 5 Vegetarian Recipes You Need To Know
Want to go meatless this week? There’s a ton of ways that you can get your veggie fix and better yet, you might not even miss your regular side of steak! Laying off the meat from time to time is a great way to improve the state of your... Read more