In today’s information age, there is a ton of information about which food contains which vitamins and what is needed in a healthy diet and all that. And while most decently healthy foods out there provide us with some vitamins and nutrients, it is often not as much as... Read more
There are a ton of people who spend hours and hours a week working on their bodies but can we say the same about our minds? With technology becoming all-encompassing, streamlined and requiring us to think less throughout the day, brain training is as important, if not more important,... Read more
Top 5 Causes of Acne, and How to Best Protect Yourself from Them
Skin & HairWellness November 8, 2023 0
Acne is a skin disease that is most common in teenagers and young adults, but also affects millions of adults, that can cause decreased self-esteem and many more health related problems. I have personally battled acne for years and know how stressful it can be, especially in high... Read more
With every new year comes a large number of people making resolutions. And traditionally, one of the biggest New Year’s resolutions is to live and lead a healthier lifestyle. Often the hardest part of making this change is making adjustments to your diet. We all struggle with diet from... Read more
Coconut oil is proven to be good for our health and can be used in multiple ways! It contains “good fat” like the fat in superfoods such as an avocado. According to, “coconut oil appears to be especially effective in reducing abdominal fat, which lodges in the abdominal cavity... Read more
Study Suggests New Breakthrough Could Change Arthritis Treatment
Wellness November 6, 2023
We all know how devastating arthritis can be. All the old things that seemed so simple now cause pain. Just getting up out of your chair or cutting an apple can be a difficult task. The one positive is that we are living in a time of rapid medical... Read more
The Permanent Solution For Tooth Loss
Lifestyle November 5, 2023
It’s important to have a great smile. After all, it’s one of the first things people notice when they look at you. Having perfect, full rows of white teeth is not just a sign of good hygiene, but also a sign of youthfulness. However, millions of people have missing... Read more
Study Suggests Regenerative Medicine Will Change Treatment for COPD Patients
Lifestyle November 5, 2023
Did you know there are more than 65 million people around the world suffering from moderate to severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease? “How can this be true,” you ask? COPD isn’t just one disease; it is a diagnosis that comes along with multiple conditions that can severely damage your... Read more
Todo Lo Que Necesitas Sobre La Artritis
Lifestyle November 4, 2023
¿Dificultades para moverse? ¿No te sientes como hace 10 años? ¿Pensando que los buenos viejos tiempos de moverse libremente se han ido? Antes de que digas sí a todos estas preguntas, hay una solucion!. Esto es algo que los médicos no te dicen ni lo harán porque el tratamiento... Read more
Everything You Need To Know About Treating Arthritis Pain
Lifestyle November 4, 2023
Difficulty moving? Not feeling like you can ever move like your old self again? Thinking the good old days of moving freely are gone? Before you say yes to all, Think again. This is one thing doctors don’t and won’t tell you because the treatment is so new. It’s... Read more
A recent study found that as many as 25% (or 1 in 4) of people spend literally no time outside each day. That’s a pretty shocking statistic, no matter how you look at it, but when you really start to think about it, you can at least begin to... Read more
In 2018, expect to hear more about hacking the human body through the easiest port of entry, the mouth. It makes so much sense, it’s a cliche, almost a meme. How many times has someone said something to the effect of, “If I could simply take a pill... Read more
Finally, there’s a better solution for men which matches the countless Kegal tools out there for women. (I know right, Men?) It’s yet only a dream, a crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo based on the original version, but the VylyV (pronounced Vé-liv) 2.0 version, called Swift, is crushing its crowdfunding... Read more
Nothing matters more than good sleep. In the view of this seasoned fitness professional, most of the moves people make to improve their lives through better health rank as wasted efforts. Whether one measures those efforts in time or money, it makes no difference. Popping pills,... Read more
In a recent interview in RT, modern philosopher, Slavoj Zizek argues that humans are losing their freedom through the advancement of biohacking technology. There’s only one problem with this concept. It flies in the face of everything biohackers believe. However one slices the body, nootropically, technologically, dietetically, the typical biohacker seeks... Read more
Recently, Bill Gates and Richard Branson backed a start-up called Memphis Meats. The San Francisco company, who just raised $22-million proposes they can and will be able to mass produce animal proteins in the lab. Like most biohacking, it’s now a matter of if, but more a matter of... Read more
When enthusiastic newbie biohackers embark on their first implant, they don’t always consider the darker aspects of non-medical surgery. In a nutshell, that’s what it is, a medical procedure. Biohacking the human experience by depositing foreign bodies in one’s own body is not as tough as bolting titanium to... Read more
Tired of carting and presenting his Opal metro card, the contactless smart card used in the great Sydney’s transportation system, a commuter who goes by the name Meow-meow implanted a chip under his skin. The chip works using near field communication (NFC), something we’ve seen from other biohackers like Amal... Read more
The End of Pricks; A Color-Changing Tattoo Could Help Diabetics
LifestyleNewsSkin & Hair October 21, 2023
In recent news, a team of researchers has developed a kind of tattoo which interacts with the tatted one’s body chemistry to measure blood-sugar levels. It may change everything for diabetics. The life a diabetic isn’t easy, although even close friends may not be aware of hassles diabetics suffer.... Read more
Last month we talked about all the basics one must dial into place before embarking on a pathway to hacking the human body. You can read Hack Your Body For Better Performance Right Now For Free now if you missed it. We’ll wait here. Oh, you’re back. Great! One could sum... Read more