Body Hacks

Improve Your Body & Life

From the darkest trenches of war, the red carpet, America’s royalty, A.K.A. celebrities clock more time maintaining an enviable physique than any other profession. How else could they grace events with such Peter Pan elasticity? The secret to staying young? Body Hacks. Yes, our site, but the namesake activity... Read more
4 Ways to Become More Mentally Strong
In our busy and stressful lives, it can be easy to crumble under the pressure and run and hide. But those people that are able to preserve and get past it are able to live a happier and more successful life most of the time. The great thing is... Read more
17 Gym Fails You Want No Part Of
Gyms can be scary places for uninitiated. The prospect of muscle-bound exercisers sweating and making funny noises is the last place someone who’s never been there wants to go. Not to mention, concerns like, what if I do something dumb? come to mind. To make matters worse, pictures online... Read more
The Best, Most-affordable Online Medical Assistance Schools
Are you currently interested in getting a career in medical assistance, or just curious to know some options? In need of a school that not only is mostly online, but also affordable? Well stick around, because in this article we’re going to showcase some of the best online schools... Read more
3 Very Crucial Hangover Prevention Tips
Nobody likes a hangover. And while people can do all they can to make it a little easier and not so bad, there is no perfect science to getting rid of a hangover. So what is the best way to help with hangovers? Well, the key is to prevent... Read more
6 Natural Methods For Better Hair
Want to know the secret to perfect locks? It could all be down to mother nature. While there are a ton of stylist cures and products out there, it is the natural world that holds the real secrets to great hair and tapping into a few well known methods... Read more
3 Awesome Recovery Tips for After the Gym
There is no feeling quite like going to the gym, but while it feels great doing it, it may not feel so great once you’re done. There is a good chance that if you got a good and solid workout in, you will be sore either the next day... Read more
4 Go-To Hangover Cures

4 Go-To Hangover Cures

Wellness December 25, 2023

We have all found ourselves at one time or another feeling “less than perfect” the morning after a heavy night of drinking. We all say that we are done drinking, but that hardly lasts. For some people, hangovers are inevitable, and though there are no exact and perfect cures... Read more
7 New Wearables That Could Change Your Life
“Google Glass will help fight the antisocial and “emasculating” habit of compulsive smartphone checking.” – Sergey Brin Sadly, for the company now called Alphabet, Google’s mad dash into wearables was not life-changing. Maybe that’s because there was no health or fitness trackers in Glass. Perhaps if Glass’ focal point were... Read more
Skin Icing: How To Do It (And Why You Should!)
Skin icing is one of the skin care industry’s latest and greatest beauty treatments. But before spending a ton of money doing these treatments at the spa, allow the team at BodyHacks to teach you about all of the benefits of skin icing and how it can be done at... Read more
3 Common Exercises You Shouldn’t Be Doing
Doing exercise and working out are among the best things you can do to your body, but you still have to be careful when doing this. This is because a number of exercises that people commonly include in their workouts can actually be harmful to your body. Here are... Read more
5 Surefire Tips For Flawless Skin
Achieving flawless skin isn’t as difficult or as unattainable as it may seem. By combining a few of these tips below, you’ll be on your way to flawless, moisturized, hydrated, and young looking skin in no-time. 1. Always remove your makeup Removing your makeup nightly is both one of... Read more
3 Tips For Starting a Vegetarian Diet
In the modern day we see more people than ever deciding to take up a vegan or vegetarian diet for one reason or another. This type of a diet is much easier now than ever before due to the large amount of food options out there for people on... Read more
How To Get In Shape On The Go
Do you want to get into shape? Are you, like so many others, constantly on the go, committed to your working, social and family lives? So many people struggle to match up their working and fitness goals and more often than not, it is their exercise regimes that get... Read more
5 Healthily Delicious Breakfast Recipes You Gotta Try
Check out these 5 cool ideas for a new breakfast! I seem to rotate eggs, toast and oatmeal throughout the week. Recently, I have been branching out of the norm to explore different recipes to kick start my morning. I sure have stumbled upon some keepers! 1. Raspberry Breakfast... Read more
Simple & Natural Ways To Soothe Your Painful Headaches
When a headache hits, there’s often no getting around it. While offsetting the symptoms of a headache which over the counter medication is relatively simple, it involves pumping your body full of artificial chemicals which, for many people, simply will not do. Luckily however, there is another way. If... Read more
3 Ways to Not Gain Weight When on Vacation
Everybody loves going on vacation. But if there is one thing that we don’t like about it, it is that most people gain a couple (or more than a couple) pounds while they are on vacation. Here are three ways you can try and keep yourself healthy an on... Read more
5 Creative and Healthy Snacks for Kids
Keeping our little kiddos fed is a full time job! I always end up putting out the same snacks for my little girl such as raisins, avocado, banana or crackers. I throw her snacks in a bowl, hope she eats whatever I give her, but I am tired of... Read more
Can Having A Pet Improve Your Health?
Welcoming a new animal into your home is very much like gaining a member of the family. While everyone has their ideal pet, there is no argument that getting any sort of species can really brighten your day and give you something to look forward to when you come... Read more
Why Is The Sauna So Good For Your Health?
After you finish a grueling workout, what do you do? Like so many others, you might hit your nearest sauna, using the heat as a way of working out your muscle tension and relaxing after  pushing your body to the max. While using the sauna is something that many... Read more