Body Hacks

Improve Your Body & Life

3 Natural Ways to Have Younger Skin
As we age, one of the biggest indicators of our age can be our skin. While there are things we can do to hide the aging, it will always remain and rear its ugly head. And while some of us many not be concerned with looking younger, a ton... Read more
Tea Tree: The Hair Growth Miracle Worker
When you’re trying to grow your hair, it can feel like time has stood still. Waiting for things to move is very much like watching paint dry and the more you watch, the less that seems to happen. It turns out, however, that there might be another way. The... Read more
5 Brilliant Wearables for Cyclist’s Heads
According to the Royal Society for Prevention of Accidents, ROSPA, in 2014 75% of cycling accidents occur in urban areas. This data may not be relevant to the greater cycling community, but it’s not ignorable. Not all cycling happens in cities. In fairness, many cities have stepped up their cycling game... Read more
What Ever Happened to the Mysterious Wove Band?
In development for over ten years, Wove promised to be the greatest thing to happen to wearables since the Apple Watch. It scheduled to launch mid-2016, but it has yet to sell anywhere. Short of reaching out the devs, we spent some time searching the internet for clues, looking... Read more
Forever Feeling Hungry? This Could Be Why
Getting into shape is all about eating the right kinds of things but if you’re battling a serious case of hunger, then sticking to a diet can be easier said than done. If you forever feel hungry, there might be something else at play and by trying to get... Read more
3 Great Reasons to Own a Pet
There is a good chance that as you were growing up, you had some kind of a pet. Whether a dog, a horse, a fish or anything else, these animals were some of our favorite parts about childhood. Now, as you have likely gotten older and thinking about starting... Read more
Early Bird: How To Work Out In The Morning
The early bird catches the worm and when it comes to getting into shape, there are plenty of early morning treats to go round. Getting your workout in first thing can be one of the best ways to start your day and even if you’re not a morning person,... Read more
The Ultimate Truth About Fitness
It needs to be said, so let’s come right out with it: fitness is boring. That sounds like a complaint, but it’s not. It’s the greatest thing about fitness. You can scour the internets for the best new way to get six pack abs or how to deadlift a... Read more
What’s the Big Whoop About Whoop 2.0?
The question answers itself, in the same way, a second hit rebrands a one hit wonder. According to Wareable, the Whoop band will soon be made available (pre-order now for December delivery) to the common consumer. Prior to this, it was only worn by professional athletes. Who, you ask?... Read more
3 Ways To Make Shin Splints A Thing Of The Past
Are you a long time runner? You’re probably more than familiar with the effects of shin splints. The inflammation of muscles or tendons around the shin bones, shin splints can cause a huge amount of pain and make jogging a thing of the past. Fed up of feeling the... Read more
3 Habits of Happy Individuals
If people can choose to be happy or upset, there is a good chance that nearly everyone will choose to be happy. However, life circumstances, relationships and other scenarios can sometimes make that very hard. If you find yourself struggling to be happy often, these three habits of happy... Read more
How to Make Your Own Dry Shampoo at Home
Did you know that 100% of people despise washing their hair? Okay, well maybe not 100%- but at least 95%. Because of these alarming ‘statistics,’ the beauty industry created a magic potion called dry shampoo. The purpose of dry shampoo is to absorb any excess oil and build up... Read more
The Only Thing Missing From Your Lift is Tension
Change one letter in that title and it reads life instead of lift, which is equally true. The right tension in your life is key. We’ll come back to that. Let’s start with tension in the gym. The gym isn’t exactly a walk in the park. For many of us, just the... Read more
Be 3 Times Healthier By The Time You Finish Reading
The problem with plans for better health is they are always just plans. We have notions of the life we’d like to be living, but most of us will start tomorrow the same way we started today. The trick to making changes is to make them the moment you... Read more
Take Care: 3 Ways To Move Towards Mindful Eating
When it comes to becoming a healthier, happier version of yourself, mindfulness can be a very powerful tool indeed. Helping you to tap into your body’s needs and relaxing from the day’s stresses, mindfulness reminds you to be aware of the here and now, making the present moment count.... Read more
These 4 Habits Could Be Causing You To Age Faster
Ageing. It’s something that happens to all of us and yet, many people do everything they can in order to avoid the process and turn back the clock. While the foods that you eat and the amount of exercise that you undertake can have a huge effect on the... Read more
3 Beauty Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar has a number of health benefits, but did you know about the even bigger list of beauty benefits this little elixir holds? Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) is best known for it’s antibiotic properties, acidity, and ‘good’ bacteria. These 3 things help to improve the overall health... Read more
5 Ways To Burn More Calories, Everyday
If you’re trying to lose weight, it’s more than likely that calories play a major part in your life. Units of energy, calories are what our body extracts from the foods we eat in order to fuel what we do and the more we take in, the more energy... Read more
Elf Emmit Will Put a Steering Wheel on Your Mind
Launched recently on Indiegogo, Elf Emmit (pronounced alf-émit) promises to help you relax wherever you want. This isn’t the first device we’ve looked at for managing stress, but this is the first one that works in this specific way. By emitting pulses at frequencies your brain associates with more... Read more
Eat Your Age: 3 Foods For A More Youthful Appearance
Ageing is a part of life that many of us would rather forget. Getting older, however, can be an incredible thing and the further that we get through life, the more that we can learn. Taking care of your body as you age can make all the difference to... Read more